Aims, scopes and policies


The Latin American Potato Journal is a scientific dissemination media of the Latin American Potato Association (ALAP, for its Spanish acromyn), published online with ISSN: 1853-4961. The Latin American Potato Journal is aimed at the scientific community of all the sciences related to potato. The journal has a pluralistic, interdisciplinary, non-denominational nature, and publishes original and unpublished articles in biotechnology, genomics, physiology, nutrition and fertilization, genetics and plant breeding, entomology, phytopathology, integrated phytoprotection, agroecology, malherbology, geomatics, soil, water and irrigation, post-harvest and agro-industrialization, rural and agribusiness development, agricultural economy and marketing of agricultural products.

The Latin American Potato Journal is free and has a semi-annual publication frequency (June and December). Currently, it is indexed in LATINDEX, AGRIS, REDIB, PERIODICA, BIBLAT, DIALNET, EBSCO. It has an OJS System, which can be accessed through the website: