

Latin American Potato Journal

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Julio Gabriel Ortega

Research Articles

Sources of potassic fertilizers in the quality of potato tubers

R. Camargos Oliveira; J. M. Queiroz Luz; R. M. Quintão Lana; C. M. Tomáz Melo; D. Rodrigues Oliveira Campos

Response of UCE-Premium and UCE Allipacha to Phytophthora infestans, Rhizoctonia solani and Pectobacterium sp.

J. Rivadeneira; H. Andrade-Bolaños; W. Cachipuendo-Alvear; M. Gualoto-Ramírez; X. Cuesta-Subia

Evaluation of acrylamide content in potato chips (Solanum tuberosum L.) processed by conventional and vacuum frying

Elena Villacrés-Poveda; Gabriela Zurita-Sorrosa; Iván Samaniego-Maigua-; José Angós-Iturgaiz

Selection of Canadian potato clones for agronomic and frying quality traits, in South of Brazil

G.Olegario da Silva; A.da Silva Pereira; F.Q. Azevedo; A.Ferreira de Carvalho; C.Marques Castro; E.Hirano

Short Communitation

MORADA-CICA: Potato variety resistant to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary

Wilfredo Catalan-Bazan; Teófilo Cosio-Cuentas; Edit Chilo-Yepez


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