
Waldir A. Marouelli; Washington l. C. Silva; Carlos A. S. Oliveira; Henoque R. Silva


In order to establish irrigation management strategies for potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ), cv Achat, experiments were carried out in 1985 and 1986, at CNPH-EMBRAPA in Brasilia, DF, Brazil. Treatments consisted of the combination of four levels of soil water tensions (15, 30, 60 and 120 KPa) within two growing stages. It was found that as soil water tensions were allowed to rise beyond 30 KPa in the shoot growing stage, and beyond 30 KPa in the tuber growing state, productivity and the number of potato tubers with diameters larger than 45mm were significantly reduced. Larger tuber/plant ratios were found to be closely related to higher irrigation frequencies (15 and 30 KPa) in the first growing stage. Parameters associated with physiological disorders and storage behavior and the number of stems per plant were found not to be affected by the soil moisture treatments.

Additional Index Words: Solanum tuberosum, water deficit, soil moisture management

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How to Cite
Carlos A. S. Oliveira; Henoque R. Silva, W. A. M. W. l. C. S. (1988). Potato Response to Irrigation Management Strategies. Revista Latinoamericana De La Papa, 1(1), 25-34. https://doi.org/10.37066/ralap.v1i1.4
Research Articles