
X. Cadima; F. Terrazas


The potato is strategic for food sovereignty and the economy of thousands of families in the Bolivian Andes who are dedicated to the production of this crop. The traditional seed system provides more than 90% of the seed required for potato cultivation in Bolivia, and also a larger variety of varieties than the formal seed system offers. Farmers in charge of traditional potato seed production are usually farmers who stand out from other growers in personal aspects, but also because of their accessibility to ecological and productive environments that allow them to produce quality seed. Seed growers also act on the basis of incentives, which are not necessarily monetary and that are changing according to the context and environmental, social, economic and political environment, which also influence the perspectives (threats and opportunities) of the seed farmer of the Bolivian Andes. This document reviews these aspects that characterize traditional potato seed producers and a reflection of what needs to be reinforced is suggested so that seed growers can continue with their work.

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How to Cite
F. Terrazas, X. C. (2020). Characterization of traditional potato seed producers in Bolivia. Revista Latinoamericana De La Papa, 23(1), 56-62. https://doi.org/10.37066/ralap.v23i1.376
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